Golden Ball
Stimmen Sie ab, welches Trikot-Kit Ihnen am besten gefällt. Am Ende der ersten Runde rücken die besten 2 jeder Gruppe in die zweite Runde vor. Diese Runde wird im Single-Elimination-Modus gespielt. Am Ende werden wir wissen, welches Trikot-Kit das beliebteste ist.
Die Trikot-Designs, die wir verwenden werden, basieren auf den FIFA World-Trikots, sind aber nicht ganz gleich. Dies sind lediglich Empfehlungen oder Ideen für unser eigenes Select World Cup-Turnier hier in der Gegend von Kansas City.
The 2.75" Select World Cup Medal series introduces a huge level of style and substance. This smooth antique finished medal covers the gambit and will be awarded to the players and coaches of the first, second and third place teams.
The Golden Ball award is presented to the best player at each Select World Cup tournament, with a shortlist drawn up by the Select Confederation Presidents and the winner voted for by representatives of the teams, referees, and Select Confederation Presidents.

Crystal Boot
Golden Goalie
Game Balls
The Crystal Boot award goes to the top goalscorer of the Select World Cup. If there is more than one player with the same number of goals, the tie-breaker goes to the player with more assists. If there is still more than one player, the tie is decided by who's team advanced further. The actual award is still being chosen. Pictures will be posted upon selection.

The Golden Goalie award is awarded to the best goalkeeper of the tournament as voted on by the Select Confederation Presidents.

The top player of the championship game will be awarded the game ball used during the match. Other tournament balls will be raffled off to participants of the tournament.